Carter White House Photographs Collection. 1/20/1977 - 1/22/1981. Carter White House Photographs: Presidential. 1/20/1977 - 1/22/1981. Jimmy Carter - With Thomas H. Cook, Jr., Mayor of East Orange, New Jersey and Congressman Peter W. Rodino, Jr. of New Jersey, Fr. 3A-18A; With Ronna Frieberg, Direct


Carter White House Photographs Collection. 1/20/1977 - 1/22/1981. Carter White House Photographs: Presidential. 1/20/1977 - 1/22/1981. Jimmy Carter - With Thomas H. Cook, Jr., Mayor of East Orange, New Jersey and Congressman Peter W. Rodino, Jr. of New Jersey, Fr. 3A-18A; With Ronna Frieberg, Director, Congressional Correspondence, Fr. 19a-24a; With Rocco Arizzi, National Poster Child for Muscular Dystrophy, Fr.25A-34A


SNAC Resource ID: 6507442

Jimmy Carter Library

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Karl H. Schumacher was a White House Photographer for Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter. He is a member of the White House News Photographers' Association, and is a freelance photographer. From the description of Schumacher, Karl H. (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration). naId: 10610729 ...